The project brings together several Polish electronic music musicians and is carried out during this year’s pandemic isolation period, 2020.
The title track Les Chants Virtuels has inspired by the title of Jean Michel Jarre’s album, „Magnetic Fields„. The story of this title is longer, it is an inaccurately translated version of the French title of the album, „Les chants magnetiques” – Magnetic Songs. Probably for cultural reasons of the publisher, who considered that this title would have a better grip on the Anglo-Saxon public, that „sounds better” in English, was changed into „Magnetic Fields„.
It’s a more dynamic style, melodic, to a optimistic tone.
The project consists collaborations with various musicians, among which we mention: Piter (Piotr Skrzypczyk), Mystic Waves, RmDj (Rafael Matula), Krzystof Kurkowski, Aleksander Dukaczewski, Jamick, Marek Manowski, Natalia Godzia Matula, Roman Odoj, Gushito, and many others.
„The songs / songs we make are called songs, „les chants”, and they are virtual because we compose using the internet. We have published 19 pieces of music and the artists have to use them in their songs, ”said the author of the project, Tomasz Pauszek.
„I published 19 Music stems – separate tracks with different sequences, pads and bases. And musicians had to use minimum one of those stems in their songs.
But there are many collaborators, and the project will be huge.”
Our congratulations for this project, Tomasz!
P.S: Listen more about this project on this youtube channel.