Spacers Festival is powered by SPACERS ™ cultural association, and covers a diverse area of artistic manifestations.
The third edition of the Space Festival, after those the first, of 20th of July 2019 (Mooniverse, 50 years from first step on other planetoid) and Spacers Festival online 2021, is designed as a continuation of Space Week 2023, celebrated worldwide from October 4-10, and is carried out by the Spacers Association in collaboration with: the Romanian Society for Cultural Astronomy – SRPAC, Acum Institute, ROSA Romanian Space Agency, Uniunea Scriitorilor, Filiala Timișoara /Romanian Writers’ Union- Timișoara, Timișoara Fine Arts High School, ARCASF Association, Helion Cultural Association, Helion Online magazine, Cronic Love Productions Europe Studio. Other organizations and artists are invited to get involved in the proposed activities (UVT, UPT, etc.).
An event dedicated to promote electronic music, created by space lovers, those passionate about science, art and Sci-Fi literature, those interested in the health and biodiversity of the environmental space, in which we live together with millions of species.Those concerned with the past, the present and the future of the planet, of humanity.
Versiunea românească aici
For this edition we propose:
-exhibitions of fine arts, graphics, comics,
-caricatures by Radu Clețiu (Guiness Book recordmen),
-conferences about astronomy, in ancient and modern times,
-observations through telescopes,
-GREENEAST – presentations of documentary films and conferences on ecology, natural heritage, protected areas, presentations of projects and best practices carried out in Romania, powered by Institutul ACUM,
– Costume creation workshop, cosplay, cyberpunk, steampunk, ice-age or futures spatial era – with artist Laura Ceica.
–Retro-Space Jewellery by Ana Zaporojan (awarded on international contest & events),
-virtual cryptospaces, NFT projects,
-book exhibition, magazines and posters of sci-fi events, meetings with writers,
– Musical concerts and videoclips online on October 14-15th.
The space is viewed in these poses:
-cosmic space; knowledge challenge,
-the ambient space, the place where we live,
– the interhuman space, where the connections between people are developed, where the cultural act, of civilization, of knowledge reflection is created.
The Spacers concept includes probing the future, the past, through sciences, arts and knowledge, understanding the Universe, life and humanity as values that must be protected.
SPACERS events train the public in the direction of diversification and absorption of musical values, arts, reading, knowledge about our local history.
We want to spread out into outer space. Technology will push us in that direction. But we must carry the messages of peace, of responsible and sustainable exploitation of resources, of preserving terrestrial biodiversity and protecting the ecosystems of the planets that we will colonize.
We propose a permanent contact and collaboration with higher education institutions, high schools, in Timișoara, with associations from the country and abroad, with artists, actors, cultural personalities, institutions, on a professional level and motivated involvement in a higher qualitative objectives.
Romanian Society for Cultural Astronomy SRPAC, Institutul Acum, Asociatia culturala HELION, ARCASF Cultural Association, Timișoara Arts High School, Biblioteca Judeteana Timis „Sorin Titel ”.
Rubin srl – CARVIN AUDIO Romania, etc.